50 Stories Volume I is Out!

'50 Stories in 50 States Volume I The Great Lakes and N.E.' is now available on Smashwords or Barnes and Noble, and it is free! For your entertainment, I've put up a review and part of a story for your enjoyment. First,the review:

'Okay. I just now found this book. By accident. How lucky can you get? I immediately went to the "Michigan Story" and was delighted to see it took place near Harbor Springs. I intended to read only a few paragraphs and return to it when I was awake. Well, let me tell you, the story did that! I couldn't stop reading. Great writing. I highly recommend it. Thanks to the author(s). Hope we meet someday at a book signing!'

And next, the story:

We rode along the shores of Lake Michigan, the sun leaving dappled shadows on the pavement like a Dalmatian. Harbor Springs looked like an idyllic town, with tourism and boating the dominant features. Huge mansions graced the area. Still, what if parts of it weren't as charming as it seemed? And what about the wealthy Kellogg influence?


Doug Newman smiled as he mixed the drink for his wife. Tonight was the night. He’d checked on the sailboat, the weatherman predicted a nice cloud cover, and he’d confirmed the dinghy remained in place. He carried the wine glass on a tray to her office, where Kimberly sat at a computer.
“At your service, ma’am.”
She turned, surprised. Smiled and took the glass by the stem. “Why, thank you. To what do I owe this honor?”
“Just being a wonderful husband.” He lifted his glass in a toast. “To health.” He held up his glass and tried not to laugh.
She lifted hers. “To a wonderful husband.”
“Drink up.”
She sipped, then grimaced. “Tastes a little bitter.”
“Would you like some crackers or something to go with it?”
“That would be nice.”
Fifteen minutes later Doug checked to see Kim sleeping on her keyboard. Hope I didn’t kill her. He checked her pulse. Still breathing, good. He took her drink to the kitchen, scrubbed it with bleach, soap and scalding hot water, then set the glass in the dishwasher. Grabbed the duct tape from below the sink and taped her hands, feet and oh yes, her mouth. Tonight Doug would do the talking.
He carried her across the back yard to the garage, invisible to the street, and tossed her in the trunk of his new Maserati Granturismo with a thump. He fired up the car and eased through Harbor Springs, staying off the main streets. He headed North on Lakeshore Drive and after a few miles, turned a couple times and stopped near the shore of Lake Michigan at a small park.
Doug found the dinghy in the bushes to the north of the park, rowed it to the park and beached it. He tossed Kim in the boat, her head banging on the seat.
“Oh, dear. That might leave a mark.” 

That's it! You'll have to download the book and read it yourself to see if Kim can get herself out of this situation. Thanks for following, and I hope you enjoy the stories.


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