Let's Look at Our Culture

Today we celebrate our followers and it's time for you to participate. I would like to hear your opinions. The inspiration for our '50 States in 50 Weeks tour was originally the movie 'Easy Rider,' the story of a couple of drug dealers who scored a big sale, bought two awesome Harleys and took off, touring the country. It was a terrible movie, but what captivated me was the ride. I didn't embrace their simple, drugging, existential lifestyle. However, in one scene, Billy asked Wyatt, “Why is this country so screwed up? Years later the question continued to bother me. As Americans (or any other nationality) we tend to think we have the best country in the world. This condition could be labeled,'you can't see the forest for the trees.' Looking back (way back to 1968), was the country screwed up? How? What do you suppose Billy referred to? Feel free to respond by comment on this post, or if you like, email me at kparsons901@aol.com. I won't quote you or call you out, all responses will be in strict confidence. And no, I won't sell your email address to a telemarketer who would like you to meet hot Russian women. The reason I used that example is that's the last one I've received. I ordered a dozen and was terribly disappointed, and Quilter Girl was quite upset, apparently for a different reason. Anyway, I would love to hear your response. It doesn't have to be a long prose. A few sentences will do. The information will help me develop the book, 50 States in 50 Weeks; Easy Rider Revisited.' Thanks for following, and this should be fun! KP

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