Colorado Community Church sits in a strip mall like a magnet store, and the people of Denver and its suburbs flock to it like a magnet. (product placement!)
The easiest way to see if a church is having growing pains, is if they do 'the shuffle.' today, CCC did the 'Colorado Shuffle.' 
"Could everyone please slide to the middle to allow room for others?"
Very nice challenge for a church.
This church felt close to home; modern music, a big theater type building, and wall to wall people. The problem with a big church is that you can get lost in it, and that's what happened. No one (except for the greeters) said hi, no one opened a conversation. I tried to initiate a conversation with the man next to me after the service, and he just answered my question and turned his attention elsewhere.
Pastor Robert Gelinas preached on the transfiguration. He commenced with a Bible study style, morphed into a Mother's Day application, and finished with a call to action. Excellent. And he loves the Lord.
The church features an Upper Room, in another area, where people gather at round tables, sip coffee and discuss questions that will pertain to the message. Then the service is videoed into the room. Haven't heard of that before, but it sounds like a cool overflow alternative.
They honored the Mothers this morning, and one way was with the children's choir singing a song to Mom. Very cute. They provide gifts to the Most Experienced Mom (i.e., oldest) and a woman won, age 93. Newest mother? 2 months. Most kids? 11!
CCC is a wonderful church, but it would have been nice to talk to others. I stood in the foyer like an invisible man. The lesson for me, anyone else in a big church, and really anyone in any church is to make myself available to others. I may be the only human being that someone talks to when they first come to my church.
In the parking lot, we struck a conversation with Joe, Bonnie, and Lauren about the bike and riding.
Interesting. The only thing that started a dialogue was the bike.
What could a church do that would initiate conversation?
Back up the hill at Central City, the temperature has plummeted. Tomorrow the mercury is supposed to rise.
Can't wait.
Hi Guys! My son (Joe, Bonnie and Lauren that you mentioned in your blog from yesterday)sent me your link! What an interesting adventure. I know you will hit Florida and, if you are in the Titusville area on a Sunday, you will have to stop in at The Grove. You will find the friendliest folk there...and you won't have to initiate a conversation. You will be greeted as you walk from the parking lot, greeted again as you climb the stairs and once more as you enter the building. You might have more hand shakes and hugs than you can deal with! And I guarantee that the message will reach your heart!Find me (if I don't see you first!)and I'll be sure to say "Welcome". Nancy Jewby
Thanks! And I hope I didn't come across too hard on CCC. My church has the same challenges. While there may be things the church can initiate for connecting with people, we all need to take a risk and reach out to others.
Hopefully we'll see you in FL. We'll be there in January. Thanks for following.
Kevin P
Couldn't agree with you more about the feeling like a stranger. I talk to strangers all the time, even when they obviously don't want me to, and I still have a hard time meeting people at church. The church is a natural attraction to people that are seeking God and we need to do a better job of making people feel welcome and comfortable... saying hi is more important than dimming the lights and having 3 screens.
All we can do is be very friendly ourselves, without being pushy.
Kevin P.
I like the Colorado Community Church...looks like a great church in a great community
Really cool picks so far...keep them coming!!!
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