Colorado Day 14

Cannonville to home today. We set a new record, leaving the camp at 11;30. Why be in a hurry to go home?
Cedar Breaks still wears two feet of snow- a far cry from twice that amount two weeks ago. The deciudous trees stand naked and cold, a testament to a very long winter. Many trees broke and fell along the highway, apparently from heavy, wet snow. Creeks and rivers run deep.
The drive from St. George to home this time of year is hot and miserable, and today was no exception. We stopped in Mesquite for fuel and soaked our shirts. In a burst of brilliance we turned off I-15 and took the scenic route along Lake Mead through the park. The 95 degree temperature continued to torture us, so I stopped along the side of the road and ordered the Little Woman to remove her shirt and sopped it in the ice water from the cooler. Whew! Refreshing and cold! We developed a new respect for coaches that get a bucket of iced Gatorade dumped on them in the winter.
The goal of running around the lake was to avoid traffic, but the bonus was the landscapes. I forgot how beautiful sections of this area are, and what a pleasant surprise.
Home by six, and most everything is put away or cleaned up, except the slog through the laundry.
This trip was a first for the Little Woman, as usually on the last day she is itching to go home. Today she said she could have kept going. Pretty cool.
Tomorrow, 'Mutterings, Musings, Rants and Raves.' And the contest results including Best Customer Service, Worst Customer Service, Best Restaurant, Stupidest Driver, and Best View.
Stay tuned, and tomorrow, please dress up a bit for the awards ceremony.
One more day, one more adventure.

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