2010-The Year in Review

I'm not a big one for looking back- I like to 'think forward.' Yet I found myself paging through my Daytimer (how old school is that?!) and reflecting on the year. 2010 was a fascinating year. It seemed scizophrenic- the best and worst of all.
The worst: Closing down my business. It was already gone by 1/10, but there were still loose ends to tie up. Even now, it is difficult to walk through the old office with all those empty rooms.
Losing our mini storage investment. We partnered in a facility in Laughlin, and it was just starting to make it, but the vacancies were so great, they couldn't make the payments, and it went back to the bank. Nice mini storage. Sigh.
Watching my kids lose their houses. It is so painful to watch your kids suffer. Enough said.
Selling our house for less than half we could have gotten for it four years ago.
The best: Travelling like never before. The Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Lake Havasu, Brian Head, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, and of course Haiti.
Buying our house. And what a bonus. We used the equity from our house to pay cash, so for the first time in 414 months, we have no payment. What a wonderful load taken off our shoulders.
There were so many other things, too. Racing the 24 Hours of Glen Helen. El Mirage dry lakebed, another 200 mph motorcycle speed attempt. Helping with Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University at church. The birth of little Lily, who now lives with us.
Yet, some of the good things were results of the 'bad.' Like having time to travel, and write, and work on rehabbing houses, because my business doesn't take all my time. If my son hadn't lost his house, we wouldn't be so well connected to little Lily.
Looking back (maybe hindsight is 20/20), perhaps this was the best year of all. I just didn't enjoy it like I could have because of all the worry. Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" How true. In fact, we probably deduct hours form our lives by worrying.
Swing around and look forward. Lesson learned. Live in the moment. Foggeaboudit.

1 comment:

Bonnie S. Calhoun said...

Well said. It is always in hindsight because if we'd have know that we wouldn't have been there to be here *snort-giggle*

I had to say that because the CAPCHA word verification is "herest" :-)