These days the preparations for a wedding supersede everything- injuries, illness, family squabbles, even death itself, perhaps. Yet my wonderful only daughter Amy held up well preparing for the Big Day. And on the Really big Day, she maintained her composure. Even when Rachel didn’t appear until past the time for the ceremony to begin, Amy kept her cool. And Rachel brought the flowers. How could you have a wedding without flowers?
Funny the emotion that goes into a marriage ceremony, particularly the planning. Yet when Amy and Issouf exchanged vows, the world stood still for me. These two made a lifetime vow in front of God, their friends and relatives. There’s nothing like it, save childbirth. We witness the union of two to one- even though they didn’t do the candle ceremony. Imagine the flames struggling outside!
California weddings are just- different- from traditional affairs. The dress is more casual, the “church” truly a building that glorifies God like no other. Passerby offer best wishes, bikers zip past and people toss Frisbees in the distance. Occasionally a seal may bark in the distance too. Guests could be going out to dinner. Yet no matter what the dress or venue, the joining of two souls truly touches the soul.
Congratulations Issouf and Amy.
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