50 States The Week in Pictures, Week 22

50 States, The Week in Pictures, Week 22

The tree is beautiful, but the Harley is down. The rider's key fob fell out of his pocket and the computer won't let it start. 

The one and only Capitol with rocking chairs on the porch. What a nice touch.

This bridge has cables; they are encapsulated in the tubes and filled with nitrogen. A high maintenance bridge, it better last a thousand years. 

Never judge a shower by it's curtain. Nor it's mint green tiles.

Glorious colors, few and far between, but awesome.

Lobster lobster everywhere.

"I'm not tacky, I'm not I'm not." Oh, what the heck. He's cute.

Another local root beer. And delicious.

Something to bouy one's spirits.

Quilter Girl being Hiker Girl.

That's it! Thanks for following. 


Mel Nason said...

1. Is that a lobstah hawking ice cream cones? Did they have lobstah flavah?

2. That Bah Hahbah Rut Beah looks ahhsum!

3. That buoy looks lonesome out there. Where's his gull friend?

Unknown said...

1. No the lobstah is eating the ice cream cone. He wonders if they have people flavors.
2. The Bah Hahbah Rut Beah tastes ahhsum.
3. The bouy is single. It's a single buoy.