Day 10, 56 miles Mesa Verde/ Cortez CO
"Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds."
~Albert Einstein
Frost on the pumpkin this morning! Fortunately Quiter Girl rescued us from frostbite with... you guessed it- a quilt. Soon Mr. Sun did his thing, and everthing warmed up. We took our time getting ready, as the temperatures plummet up on the Mesa. Soon we wound our way up the lovely, winding roadways to Mesa Verde Park.
Also, being a contractor, I marvelled at the retaining nwalls that were built almost a thousand years ago with no permits, engineering, no inspectors or quality control. And what do you know? Still up.
Because we shuttled up and down the loops and outlooks, people repeatedly saw us and the bike. Soon their curiosity would overcome their shyness and we'd be talking about the trip. We lack credibility as we're only on week/state 2. Wait until we're on 33!
Spotted you two at the Cortez KOA. Nice bike. Good luck to you both !!
-Julie and Matt
Thanks! If you see us again (doubtful!) give us a shout.
Hi Kevin and Sherri, sent you an email but if you don't get it I'm leaving on Thursday on my bike to go to Mississippi to do the Natchez trace and blue ridge parkway-was wondering if we would or could cross paths. Hope you have a great trip and GODS speed!! Rob Steensen
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