Kevin: Wake up, 4:30 a.m. Make breakfast without dishes or utensils; make oatmeal in Rubbermaid bowl. Clean oatmeal that blew all over the microwave. Search for a spoon; use a serving spoon. Clean up. Wash windows, West side before sunrise, North and East afterwards. Load big stuff into pop top trailer, clean garage. Organize Gerbing gear into saddlebags. Assemble and organize tools for trip. Break down racks and load into truck for storage. Vacuum carpets. Drywall patch and paint touch up. Cottage cheese and pears for lunch. Gotta use everything up! Phone fight with lawyer. Haul stuff to trailer, and meet consultant for an hour. Take Yamaha R-6 to friend's place. Check eVites and do replies. Quick! Leaf blow and pressure wash garage and driveway. Meet Lars at house and give him mountain bike and pressure washer. Phone call with accountant; he'll have taxes done tomorrow. Run to UPS to notarize and mail documents. Pick up steam cleaner at Lowe's. Pack clothing for trip and haul downstairs. Steam clean carpets upstairs and stairway.

Quilter Girl: wake up 6 am, read to 7. Muffin and cottage cheese with plastic spoon. Clean bathrooms. Off to Doctor, then to library for unsuccessful attempt to download library books. Off to WalMart for prescription. Lunch/consultant/Yamaha R-6 delivery with Kevin. Phone call with Amy who is PREGNANT WITH TWINS! WOO HOO! Zip over to bank, back home, make dinner, clean out freezer (using up food for dinner!). Phone call with Mother and Daddy. Pack bags with clothes. Finish the Fox's quilt. Struggle with email on Nook and finally give up.
Us: It's now 10:30. Time to shower and set up the trailer in the garage. Yes, we are. I thought Quilter Girl was being cheap by wanting to stay here, but it is much more efficient.
This trip better be relaxing, because getting ready for it certainly is not!

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