Grand Canyon North Rim Adventure- day 2

We didn’t see the Grand Canyon today. Oh, we went there. It was incredible. But to think we saw the Grand Canyon would be like going to the sixth inning of the third game, watching three pitches and telling everyone you saw the World Series.
For instance, we didn’t see the Colorado River. It’s down there, just out of sight. And we saw a good piece of the canyon. Probably the best section if you think about it, as the lodge was built there. The landscape is simply astounding. Huge red sandstone cliffs with slopes of cinnamon dotted with green trees and shrubs. Rock formations carved from water and rain. Where we stood, the opposite edge was thirteen miles away, the river a mile below. Trivia; did you know the North Rim is 8,200 feet in elevation? That is up there!
Old, well maintained log cabins dot the side of the canyon. I mean right along the side. Number 309 is the best. And it rents for $180 a night. Even Mr. Cheap, I thought that was a pretty good deal for a room with a view of the grandest canyon of all.
Thunderheads built and people started heading out. The Little Woman and I headed for Point Imperial viewpoint. The winds picked up and leaves fell like dollar coins to the pavement then scattered as a car passed over them. It looked like a car commercial. Soon the rains came in big spattering drops. We walked around the viewpoint wearing helmets and raingear to stave the winds and rain. Back on the bike again, and we headed for home. The landscape of evergreen trees is contrasted with flaming yellow Aspen trees, brighter form the recent washing.
The little trailer leaked a little today. A small puddle greeted us on the floor. Apparently we have a sagging corner.
Dinner consisted of a salad with crackers and cheese. It is getting cold. We really aren’t prepared for this. When you pack to go anywhere from Las Vegas and the temperature vacillates from 80 to 100, cold is rather ethereal. However, the reality sets in; no source of heat. So we take a quick hot shower and head off to bed. To and from the shower is an adventure too, as our new flashlight with battery lasted around an hour. The battery was probably made in 1999. As this is the shakedown, the learning curve is quite steep.
One more day. One more adventure.

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