Toastmasters- Product Placement

Warning! Product placement.
Four years ago, I joined Toastmasters to improve my speaking skills. Did you know that public speaking is peoples' number one fear, even in more than death? Someone did a study years back. Who would have thought?
Toastmasters not only trains speakers, but is a great tool to generate leaders too. Members take turns doing different jobs in the meeting to help it run smoothly. The Toastmaster must get the assigned people confirmed and run the meeting, starting on time and following a strict schedule.
Another job is General Evaluator, who manages the evaluation portion of the speeches and judges the overall quality of the meeting.
The grammarian brings a word of the day, and posts it. Members must use it during Table Topics.
The Table Topics Master brings a subject and calls people to speak extemporaneously on it for 1-3 minutes.
Should you be terrified of speaking in public, Toastmasters is the place for you. People are friendly and supportive, and as Darren Lacroix, world champion of speaking says, "Toastmasters is a great place to screw up." Then when out in the marketplace (or wherever life takes you), you can speak with ease and poise.
Go ahead. Take a risk and check it out.
Now that second thing you're afraid of? Don't sweat it. It only happens once.

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